DO Slow Death

9 years by Sepharine, for scrolls version: 0.131.0, with a Score of 0
Deck as image (WIP)
5 15 22 0 3 0 5 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Horn of Ages x2
1 Wicked Being x3
2 Kabonk x3
2 Tethered Recruit x3
2 Languid x3
2 Sickening Fumes x3
2 Loyal Darkling x3
3 Waking Stones x3
3 Heritage x3
3 Decimation x3
3 Puppet Soldier x2
3 Vigor Extraction x3
3 Righteous Partisan x2
3 Infiltrate x3
3 Warding Stone x3
5 Oblivion Seeker x3
7 Imperial Resources x3
7 Reaping Mask x2

This Deck focuses on only defending 3 Idols and stall the game, until you have the economy to slowly kill your opponent Idols with direct damage.

The most useful scrolls to stall the game and build up resources, are Waking Stones, Sickening Fumes and Warding Stones.

Try to block damage with your Oblivion Seekers and make use of Heritage.

Sac all the direct damage Scrolls (Wicked being, Reaping Mask etc.) as you will need them later, try to increase your ressources/Scrolls in Hand while defending 3 rows.

Prepare to play at least 20-30 Minutes as this deck is very slow.


22% Creatures (11) 16% Structures (8) 40% Spells (20) 22% Enchantments (11)
56% Order (28) 44% Decay (22)