I'm Pondering Arby's

9 years by DavidSlain, for scrolls version: 1.0.0, with a Score of 7
Deck as image (WIP)
12 3 21 5 0 5 3 1 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Sinmarked Zealot x3
1 Focus x3
1 Powerbound x3
1 Summons x3
2 Royal Inspiration x3
3 Speed x3
3 Waking Stones x3
3 Heritage x3
3 Advantageous Outlook x3
3 Tempo Theft x3
3 Righteous Partisan x3
3 Wings Sorceress x3
4 Pushback x2
4 Gallant Defender x3
6 Wings Cleaver x2
6 Arbalestier x3
7 Imperial Resources x3
8 Cay, Royal Envoy x1

Basically, ramp as much as you can and draw as much as you can.  Save your pumps (and advantageous outlook) for getting your Arbys to hit the back row/idol.  Always kill as many units as possible with every attack.


    -3 Pother

    -3 Kabonk

    -3 Heritage

    -3 Infiltrate

    +3 Righteous Partisan

    +3 Wings Sorceress

    +3 Gallant Defender

    +2 Pushback

    +1 Cay, Royal Envoy

    I made these changes so far. Adding these units does not change the synergy with Royal Inspiration, as they are not Soldiers or Knights. However, they do provide extra board presence and more of a mid game while supporting the overall strategy. Wings Sorceress is incredibly useful vs Growth and Decay to remove buffs and debuffs. Gallant Defender provides armor, which is invaluable also. Partisan gives draw to make up for some I took out. Cay is amaving in this deck too and provides finishing power and draw.

    So far I have beaten all deck types besides Tempo Order with this deck. It is quite formidable. I may have taken out too much draw. I would start with Kabonk on the list of things to put back in though.


      Also, Cay - it is a good source of draw


        This deck is very fun to play!

        I added Blessing of Haste x3 - that is really needed, reduces Arby's CD by 2.

        Also I Added 1 Reloras - it kinda decreases the Royal Inspiration value, but it synergizes so good.

        Resonant Helm would be nice, but space is a concern - I threw out Zealots and 1 Pother

        36% Creatures (18) 6% Structures (3) 46% Spells (23) 12% Enchantments (6)
        100% Order (50)