GO Stall

9 years by Pokingduck, for scrolls version: 1.0.0, with a Score of 0
Deck as image (WIP)
12 21 18 0 0 0 3 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Sinmarked Zealot x3
1 New Orders x3
1 Summons x3
1 Resonant Helm x3
2 Crown of Strength x3
2 Kabonk x3
2 Pother x3
2 Plate Armor x3
2 Faith Chains x3
2 Sister of the Fox x3
2 Royal Banner x3
3 Druid Burial Ground x3
3 Shrine x3
3 Waking Stones x3
3 Heritage x3
3 Decimation x3
3 Righteous Partisan x3
7 Imperial Resources x3

The idea is to hunker down on 3 lanes with Waking Stones in front, Druid Burial Grounds behind them, and either a Shrine or Royal Banner behind them. At that point, it's Decimations and Faith Chains on your weak creatures to take them down. This deck has been very useful for me on the Hard Daily trials. 

16.7% Creatures (9) 22.2% Structures (12) 33.3% Spells (18) 27.8% Enchantments (15)
11.1% Growth (6) 88.9% Order (48)