Late Game Order Precon

9 years by EyeTheta, for scrolls version: 1.0.0, with a Score of 0
Deck as image (WIP)
6 13 14 6 5 3 2 1 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Blessing of Haste x2
1 Focus x2
1 Crossbowman x2
2 Kabonk x3
2 Pother x2
2 Effigy of the Queen x2
2 Squire x3
2 Ducal Infantryman x3
3 Speed x1
3 Advantageous Outlook x2
3 Mangonel x2
3 Infiltrate x2
3 Grounds of the Fallen x3
3 Wings Sorceress x2
3 Wings Shield x2
4 Pushback x2
4 Reloras, Lord Knight x1
4 Ducal Skirmisher x3
5 Knight Sergeant x2
5 Stormknight x3
6 Honorable General x1
6 Arbalestier x2
7 Imperial Resources x2
8 Cay, Royal Envoy x1

A late game order deck that fits all the precon rules. Ramp up the resource curve using kabonk, infiltrate and smaller units to stall and remain competative until you can play imperial resources or clear the board with outrageous mangonel/reloras/arbalestier combos and then dominate the late game with big beefy units.

50% Creatures (25) 8% Structures (4) 42% Spells (21)
100% Order (50)