Heavy Artillery

9 years by LegoNinja39, for scrolls version: 1.0.0, with a Score of 0
Deck as image (WIP)
5 6 32 7 0 0 0 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Rigged x3
1 Snargl Brain x2
2 Catapult of Goo x3
2 Gravelock Guard x3
3 Machine Priest x2
3 Tick Bomb x3
3 Scattergunner x3
3 Hellspitter Mortar x2
3 Concentrate Fire x2
3 Automata Forge x2
3 Machine Divinator x2
3 Boom Reaver x3
3 Electrify x3
3 Oculus Cannon x2
3 Snargl Hunter x3
3 Snargl Omelette x2
3 Feedback Jolt x3
4 Destroyer x2
4 Stone Enigma x2
4 Snargl x3

Heavy artillery that support a light infantry. Why use creatures when you can target all your enemy's space with a few structures? With the use of low energy costing scrolls to prevent having to sacraficing your deck to play a few powerful scrolls. This also allows for a quick takeover of the board.

38% Creatures (19) 26% Structures (13) 22% Spells (11) 14% Enchantments (7)
100% Energy (50)