Deck Wars, Blinky: DO Humans

10 years by Blinky, for scrolls version: 0.124.0, with a Score of 3
Deck as image (WIP)
6 8 17 8 5 3 3 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Blessing of Haste x3
1 Ripper x3
2 Tethered Recruit x3
2 Ilmire Tribesman x3
2 Wings Warder x2
3 Speed x1
3 Royal Skirmisher x2
3 Harvester x3
3 Tempo Theft x2
3 Brain Lice x3
3 Vigor Extraction x3
3 Wings Shield x3
4 Pushback x1
4 Damning Curse x2
4 Knight Scholar x2
4 Cursemonger x3
5 Royal Vanguard x2
5 Oblivion Seeker x3
6 Ilmire Witch Doctor x2
6 Honorable General x1
7 Imperial Resources x1
7 Necrogeddon x2

64% Creatures (32) 30% Spells (15) 6% Enchantments (3)
46% Order (23) 54% Decay (27)