Pudding Goodstuff

9 years by DrAkula, for scrolls version: 1.0.0, with a Score of 0
Deck as image (WIP)
6 9 21 8 3 0 0 3 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Ragged Wolf x3
1 Vaettr of the Wild x3
2 Sister of the Fox x3
2 Nog x3
2 Nog Nest x3
3 Crimson Bull x3
3 Noaidi x3
3 Skythorn x3
3 Budding Retreat x3
3 Earthborn Keeper x3
3 Budding Vaettr x3
3 Terrene Brute x3
4 Brother of the Wolf x2
4 Fertile Soil x3
4 Rat King x3
5 Rallying x2
5 Quake x1
8 God Hand x3

I've been toying around with Pudding lately, but I really didn't like the decks because of all the do-nothing scrolls (these shitty 1 cost beasts) that totally suck unless you have your combo pieces on the board. So I took out basically everything that does nothing on its own and replaced it with scrolls that are powerful by themselves and also profit from the Budding value / creature spam in general.

These are especially Earthborn Keeper and Terrene Brute, the latter with the advantage of also being a beast.

The deck can still combo out fine, but isn't helpless without the combo either.

Also I removed Necrogeddon because thats just dead unless you combo off AND have Noaidis ready, and rely only on God Hand with Ghetto-God Hand backup.

The one Quake is for cases where two enemy idols are down and you have a board full but just can't break through - Quake and let Brutes and Mystics do the rest normally works.

52% Creatures (26) 12% Structures (6) 36% Spells (18)
100% Growth (50)