When Countdown is 0, you may sacrifice Sinmarked Zealot to deal 2 [magic damage] to target unit.
When enchanted unit you control is destroyed, increase Order by 1.
When enchanted creature is destroyed, Faith Chains deals 1 damage to opponent idols.
Target unit you control takes 2 [magic damage]. Your opponent's idol on that row is dealt 2 damage, and your idol is healed by 2.
When Tethered Recruit is destroyed, increase Order by 1.
When a unit adjacent to Watcher is destroyed by non-combat damage or death effects, Watcher deals 2 damage to a random opponent idol.
* Unstable 2
When Countdown is 0, you may sacrifice Loyal Darkling.
When a creature moves, its Countdown is increased by 1.
When a creature adjacent to Ilmire Rot Eater is destroyed, Ilmire Rot Eater gets +1 Attack and +1 Health.
CREATURE: Human,Mystic
If Eager Scryer's Countdown is 2 or more at the end of your turn, draw 1 scroll.
When a [Lingering] spell is played, a random opponent idol is dealt 2 damage.
SPELL: Lingering
* Linger: 5
All non-combat damage against idols is increased by 1.
* Linger: 3
When a unit is destroyed, it is resummoned on the same tile, and Aescalon Spires counts down by 1.
* Linger: 4
When an opponent creature comes into play, a random idol on that side is dealt 1 damage.
Blightbearer takes 1 [poison damage] before attacking. When Blightbearer is destroyed, all creatures on the same row become [poisoned].
Whenever a non- creature you control is destroyed, a Revenant is summoned adjacent to Anima Conduit, and Anima Conduit is dealt 1 [pure damage].
When a creature you control is destroyed, the opposing idol on that row is dealt 1 damage.