9 | 30 | 8 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
This is a deck for hard trials where you need to destroy 3 idols.
This is a modified version of Nrf123's "Structure Order [Trials]" deck ( http://scrolldier.com/deck/1152 ) that doesn't have the expensive 3 x Decimation and 3 x Royal Banner's. This deck also incorporates Decay to help destroy the idols a little faster.
The general strategy is to keep delaying the game until you have 3x Waking Stones buffed with Resonant Helm and Faith Duty to stall out your opponent. Once that is in place you can sac for Decay and start pumping out the Darklings with Faith Chains and Disciples to do damage through your enemy.
The Refined Strategy's are not really required if you don't have them but they are helpful if you misplace a Waking Stone or if the AI decides to Flip or Pother your Waking Stone. You can replace them with 3 x Shrines or any 1 cost spell to trigger the Resonant Helms.
18% Creatures (9) | 6% Structures (3) | 40% Spells (20) | 36% Enchantments (18) |
82% Order (41) | 18% Decay (9) |