10 years by blaznicki, for scrolls version: 1.0.0, with a Score of 0
Deck as image (WIP)
11 17 22 3 3 0 1 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Hex Marks x2
1 Scavenger Construct x3
1 Beetle Stone x3
1 Revenant x3
2 Animovore x2
2 Languid x3
2 Searing Shackles x3
2 Sickening Fumes x2
2 Uneasy Alliance x3
2 Watcher x1
2 Loyal Darkling x3
3 Soul Steal x2
3 Draining Mist x3
3 Eager Scryer x2
3 Arhart's Disciple x3
3 Blightseed x3
3 Invocation Sentry x3
3 Forbidden Ruins x3
3 Omen of Damnation x3
4 Damning Curse x1
4 Totem of Suffering x2
5 Oblivion Seeker x3
7 Necrogeddon x1

Fix the deck for your playstyle, this deck has only one thing to do and it is to destroy idols!!!

Good luck!

24.6% Creatures (14) 21.1% Structures (12) 31.6% Spells (18) 22.8% Enchantments (13)
100% Decay (57)