
10 years by Nashtanir, for scrolls version: 1.2.0, with a Score of 2
Deck as image (WIP)
6 17 8 8 3 8 0 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Copper Automaton x3
1 Potion of Resistance x3
2 Plating x3
2 Iron Whip x3
2 Hired Smuggler x3
2 Wings Warder x3
2 Gravelock Guard x3
2 Gravelock Burrows x2
3 Fury x3
3 Gravelock Outcast x3
3 Snargl Omelette x2
4 Burn x3
4 Lockling Brood x3
4 Uhu Longnose x2
5 Gravelock Elder x3
6 Thunder Surge x2
6 Violent Dispersal x3
6 Gravelock Freak x3

Very early version of the deck, all ideas and experiences are appreciated!


The general idea of the deck is to be midrangy Gravelock deck which utilizes the power of Wings Warder to make your key creatures (Elders, Freaks and Locklings) harder to take down. Especially Lockings are extremely powerful when combined with the Warder. Most of the time you don't need to sack for   at all - just use Plating to get Warders out. I added Purifications just for testing and they also allow you to sack for one   and then for   to get Warders out.



23/2/2015 - Trying to make Raiders work..

- Added 2 Desperations, 1 Iron Whip and 1 Fury

- Cut 3 Sparks and 1 Violent Dispersal


Trying to make Raiders more of a threat by adding Desperations. Still cutting Iron Whips didn't feel right so trying to play without Sparks for a while. Running three Desperations instead of three Whips might be more consistent but this requires more testing. Also upped Furys to three copies because they feel really important in melee Energy decks.


27/2/2015 - ..but they didn't really work

- Added 3 Copper Automatons, 3 Hired Smugglers and Violent Dispersal

- Cut 3 Gravelock Raiders, 2 Desperations, 2 Purifications


Raiders proved to be way too draw dependant and since the whole Warder thing of the deck if that too, I think the deck was way too inconsistent with both. Also now Purifications are gone. As good as they may sound to be in the current enchantment meta and new poison Decay, they were still the most sacrificed card in this deck. I ended up adding more creatures to make this deck more consistent and more aggressive. Violent Dispersal seems to be great always so upped that to three copies.


52% Creatures (26) 4% Structures (2) 32% Spells (16) 12% Enchantments (6)
94% Energy (47) 6% Order (3)