[Oaggro] Hyper Aggro Dudes (Tier 2)

10 years by Squiddy, for scrolls version: 1.2.0, with a Score of 14
Deck as image (WIP)
12 20 12 6 0 0 0 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Blessing of Haste x3
1 Focus x3
1 Crossbowman x3
1 Aging Knight x3
2 Pother x3
2 Roasted Bean Potion x3
2 Magnetizer x3
2 Caller's Bane x2
2 Wings Soldier x3
2 Squire x3
2 Ducal Infantryman x3
3 Decimation x3
3 Royal Skirmisher x3
3 Eternal Sword x3
3 Wings Shield x3
4 Reloras, Lord Knight x3
4 Ducal Skirmisher x3

A guide to the Squiddy deck categorization system:


[brackets] denotes the Resource type and Archetype, the first letter of each resource used in the deck followed by one of the following archetypes:


  • Aggro
  • Control
  • Midrange
  • Combo


(parenthesis) denotes the Tier of the deck - ranging from 1-3 - which is an indicator of how competetively viable the deck is:


1 - Competetive at the highest of levels

2 - Competetive in Ranked, in certain match-ups

3 - Not competetive at all

60% Creatures (30) 30% Spells (15) 10% Enchantments (5)
100% Order (50)