For 3 rounds, damage dealt to enchanted unit is reduced to 1.
SPELL: Destruction
Deal 2 [magic damage] to target unit.
2Hired Smugglerx2
* Ranged attack
* Pillage: Draw 1 structure scroll.
2Gravelock Guardx3
CREATURE: Gravelock
* Pillage: A random opponent unit is dealt 1 [physical damage].
3Charge Coilx3
When Charge Coil attacks, a random opponent unit is dealt 1 [physical damage].
3State Machinex3
When a creature comes into play on opponent's side, State Machine deals 1 [magic damage] to that creature. When State Machine's Countdown becomes 0, it's destroyed.
3Fulmination Conduitx2
Fulmination Conduit counts up instead of down at the beginning of its turn. You may sacrifice it to add its Countdown to your [current] Energy.
3Power Tripx3
Increase [current] Energy by 6. If it is then 11 or more, draw 1 scroll.
SPELL: Destruction
Deal 3 [magic damage] to target unit. If that unit is destroyed, draw 1 scroll.
4Blind Ragex1
SPELL: Destruction
Target creature deals [magic damage] equal to its Countdown to adjacent units. Its Countdown is then increased by 1.
4Solemn Giantx2
CREATURE: Automaton
Does not count down. Pay 2 Energy to decrease Countdown by 2.
4Sudden Eruptionx3
SPELL: Destruction
* Surge: 2 [magic damage] to X random opponent units.
CREATURE: Automaton
When an opponent plays a spell, Echomaton gets +2 Attack. When Echomaton is destroyed, if Attack is 3 or more, increase Energy by 1.
4Stone Enigmax1
All [Lingering] spells are destroyed. Increase Energy by 1.
4Metal Wonderx1
When your opponent plays a spell or enchantment, Metal Wonder deals 2 damage to a random idol they control.
5Machine Chantx3
SPELL: Destruction
Deal [magic damage] to target unit equal to the number of structures you control. Increase Energy by 1.
5Ironclad Reaverx3
CREATURE: Human,Reaver
* Pillage: Immune to damage until the beginning of your next turn
6Thunder Surgex2
SPELL: Destruction
Target unit and connected units are dealt 2 [magic damage].