Ogre needs your soul

9 years by Argetlam, for scrolls version: 1.2.0, with a Score of 1
Deck as image (WIP)
11 9 9 12 3 0 3 3 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Copper Automaton x3
1 Useless Contraption x2
1 Hex Marks x3
1 Dust Runner x3
2 Soul Scrounger x3
2 Energy Siphon x3
2 Machinated x3
3 Scattergunner x3
3 Hellspitter Mortar x3
3 Morbid Curiosity x3
4 Burn x3
4 Ether Pump x3
4 Darkstrike x3
4 Solemn Giant x3
5 Ironclad Reaver x3
7 Iron Ogre x3
8 Top Reaver Thea x3

Who doesn't like to Machinate his Iron Ogres? But that 6 countdown, right? Just scrounge for some souls and it will attack like before.


Did you know the Top Reaver is really curious about the big holes her bullets leave in the enemy corpses? Morbid, isn't it?


I mostly just wanted to try making a ED deck. It ended up being a lot of Energy and a small Decay splash. I had Morbid Curiosity's big brother Reaping Mask in it too, but it didn't add to the deck enough to justify the 7D needed.


Hex Marks is really nice on Coppers, Solemn Giants and Thea (if the piercing reaches an idol, that 1 damage becomes 4).

42% Creatures (21) 16% Structures (8) 12% Spells (6) 30% Enchantments (15)
76% Energy (38) 24% Decay (12)