SUPER Skirmisher 64

9 years by Cradstache, for scrolls version: 0.119.1, with a Score of 0
Deck as image (WIP)
7 16 15 6 4 0 2 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Ragged Wolf x1
1 Blessing of Haste x3
1 Copper Automaton x1
1 Banner of Ordinance x2
2 Kabonk x3
2 Pother x2
2 Roasted Bean Potion x3
2 Scout x2
2 Oppressor's Rule x2
2 Stirring Effigy x3
2 Miremare x1
3 Speed x3
3 Heritage x2
3 Royal Skirmisher x3
3 Mangonel x2
3 Favored x2
3 Pack Fowl x3
4 Ducal Skirmisher x3
4 Aes Moran Scholar x3
5 Prisoners of War x2
5 Imperial Scepter x2
7 Imperial Resources x2

34% Creatures (17) 18% Structures (9) 40% Spells (20) 8% Enchantments (4)
2% Energy (1) 2% Growth (1) 94% Order (47) 2% Decay (1)