High-Energy Automatons

9 years by Alpha_Century, for scrolls version: 1.3.1, with a Score of 4
Deck as image (WIP)
3 11 16 11 6 3 0 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Potency Burst x3
2 Machinated x2
2 Piercing Projectile x3
2 Canister Automaton x3
2 Wind-up Automaton x3
3 Bombard x3
3 Automata Forge x3
3 Storm Runner x2
3 Scout Automaton x3
3 Power Trip x3
3 Extractor Device x2
4 Burn x3
4 Sudden Eruption x3
4 Echomaton x3
4 Stone Enigma x2
5 Excogitator x3
5 Blast Automaton x3
6 Cannon Automaton x3

Taking advantage of all the automaton synergy in echoes. With energy's ramp scrolls, and now all these armoured units, it is easy to stall and outramp your opponent. Although you should be able to contest board control through all stages of the match, this deck really shines in the mid-late game.



    -3 replicaton, with so many surge and pump scrolls they weren't doing much even when you have tons of energy.

    -1 stone enigma, not too much linger.

    +2 machinated, combos very well with wind-up, helps deal idol damage vs. control

    +2 storm runner, good early game and combos well with machinated in the late game

    40% Creatures (20) 12% Structures (6) 34% Spells (17) 14% Enchantments (7)
    100% Energy (50)