Lingering Invocation

9 years by Anander, for scrolls version: 1.3.1, with a Score of 0
Deck as image (WIP)
6 12 23 4 3 1 1 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Summons x3
1 Scavenger Construct x3
2 Tethered Recruit x3
2 Animovore x3
2 Effigy of the Queen x3
2 Mystic's Storm x3
3 Pillar of Fatigue x1
3 Vigor Extraction x3
3 Righteous Partisan x3
3 Warding Stone x3
3 Invocation Sentry x3
3 Rattle Hymn x3
3 Aescalon Spires x3
3 Omen of Damnation x1
3 Pack Husk x3
4 Pushback x3
4 Totem of Suffering x1
5 Oblivion Seeker x3
6 Halls of Oum Lasa x1
7 Imperial Resources x1

Anander for the deck thread.

    24% Creatures (12) 28% Structures (14) 42% Spells (21) 6% Enchantments (3)
    50% Order (25) 50% Decay (25)