EG Somata Bosses [beta]

9 years by clamlol, for scrolls version: 1.3.1, with a Score of 0
Deck as image (WIP)
1 18 18 6 0 1 3 3 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Hymn x1
2 Bloodboil x3
2 Plating x3
2 Earthbond x3
2 Earthen Testament x3
2 Nog Nest x3
2 Hunter's Treaty x3
3 Death Cap Berserk x3
3 Sand Pact Memorial x3
3 Crimson Bull x3
3 Noaidi x3
3 Somata Shift x3
3 Eager to Battle x2
3 Overgrown Menhir x1
4 Rat King x3
4 Seed of Insurgency x3
6 Consolidator Niara x1
7 Iron Ogre x3
8 Top Reaver Thea x3

This deck is based around Sand Pact Memorial/Replenish as ways to bust out Iron Ogre and Top Reaver Thea.  It's still very much in the beta phase since I haven't acquired all the Echoes scrolls yet (I want to replace the Platings with another Menhir, Eager to Battle and Niara) and it could use some Ward, but it's been a blast to play around with against the AI thus far.


As far as starting hands go, you'll want either Sand Pact Memorial and Ogre/Thea or Somata Shift and Seed of Insurgency.  Getting the Energy bosses on the board might involve throwing away the Bloodboil on a structure, but that's what it's there for.  If you get a Death Cap Earthbond boss, you've probably won.

20% Creatures (10) 14% Structures (7) 36% Spells (18) 30% Enchantments (15)
18% Energy (9) 82% Growth (41)