Target unit's Countdown is decreased by 1.
Target creature gets +3 Attack until end of turn.
When enchanted unit you control is destroyed, increase Order by 1.
CREATURE: Human,Soldier
* Ranged attack
Enchanted unit gets +1 Attack and +2 Health, and counts as a Knight.
SPELL: Destruction
Deal 1 [magic damage] to target unit. Draw 1 scroll.
SPELL: Displacement
Switch places of two units you control. Draw 1 scroll.
* Armor 1
Enchanted unit gets +2 Health.
Target creature's Countdown is decreased by 1. Its [Move] is increased by 1 until end of turn.
CREATURE: Human,Mystic
Any unit hit by Magnetizer gets its Countdown increased by 1.
Wings Warder does not attack. Other units you control on the same row have [Ward].
When enchanted unit you control is destroyed, draw 2 scrolls.
Enchanted creature gets +2 Attack. When enchanted creature\nis destroyed, a random adjacent creature gets Eternal Sword.
When Wings Sorceress's Countdown is 0, you may reset its Countdown to remove all enchantments and effects from target unit.
CREATURE: Human,Knight
When Knight Scholar's Countdown is 0, you may reset its Countdown to draw 1 scroll.
When Aes Moran Scholar comes into play, [sift] 3 scrolls from your library, and draw 1 of them.
* Piercing
* Resonance: Arbalestier's Countdown is decreased by 1.