CREATURE: Beast,Wolf
* Haste
When Countdown is 0, you may sacrifice Sinmarked Zealot to deal 2 [magic damage] to target unit.
CREATURE: Automaton
Copper Automaton is destroyed after attacking.
When enchanted unit you control is destroyed, increase Order by 1.
CREATURE: Undead,Anima
* Ward
Revenant is destroyed after attacking.
* Resonance: +2 Attack until end of turn.
SPELL: Destruction
Deal 1 [magic damage] to target unit. Draw 1 scroll.
Target creature's Countdown is decreased by 1. Its [Move] is increased by 1 until end of turn.
When Scout comes into play, [sift] 3 scrolls from your library. Choose one of them to put on top of your library.
Target unit is resummoned on the same tile. Its Countdown is set to its previous value.
Target unit you control is returned to your hand, and your [current] Order is increased by the unit's cost.
When enchanted unit you control is destroyed, draw 2 scrolls.
[Sift] 3 scrolls from your library, and draw 1 of them. If it is a spell, Knights you control get +2 Attack until end of turn.
Two target units switch Countdown values.
When Righteous Partisan comes into play, if you have no more units than your opponent, draw 1 scroll.
CREATURE: Human,Mystic
* Ranged attack
When Aes Moran Scholar comes into play, [sift] 3 scrolls from your library, and draw 1 of them.
Draw 1 Growth, 1 Decay and 1 Energy creature. Increase [current] Wild by 1.
CREATURE: Human,Knight
* Piercing
* Resonance: Arbalestier's Countdown is decreased by 1.
Draw 2 scrolls. Your idols are [healed] by 1. Increase Order by 1.
When a Human you control deals damage to a unit, opponent's idol on that row is dealt 2 damage.
* Unique
* Dominion: [Ward]
At the end of your turn, if an opponent unit was destroyed in combat, draw 1 scroll.