Target creature gets +3 Attack until end of turn.
CREATURE: Human,Knight
Each time Aging Knight attacks, its [base Countdown] is increased by 1.
When Tethered Recruit is destroyed, increase Order by 1.
Target creature's Countdown is decreased by 1. Its [Move] is increased by 1 until end of turn.
All units get [Curse] 1 and +1 Attack until end of opponent's turn.
SPELL: Displacement
Frontmost and rearmost units on one side of target row switch places. Draw 1 scroll.
* Dominion: +3 Attack
SPELL: Lingering
* Linger: 5
* Dominion: Units you control have +1 Attack
Other [Dominion] traits are active.
Your [Lingering] spells count up by 2, and your opponent's Lingering spells count down by 3.
When Scout comes into play, [sift] 3 scrolls from your library. Choose one of them to put on top of your library.
* Dominion: +2 Attack and +2 Health.
Enchanted creature gets +1 Attack and +1 Health.
* Linger: 7
When a non-Decay creature you control is destroyed during your opponent's turn, summon a Revenant in its place, and the Treaty counts down by 1.
* Linger: 6
Non-Order Human creatures you control have +2 Attack.
CREATURE: Beast,Masked
* Dominion: +2 Attack and +3 Health.
* Unstable 2
When Countdown is 0, you may sacrifice Loyal Darkling.
CREATURE: Human,Mystic
If Eager Scryer's Countdown is 2 or more at the end of your turn, draw 1 scroll.
CREATURE: Human,Mercenary
Adjacent creatures have +1 Attack.
* Dominion: Enchanted unit's Attack is increased by 5.
Enchanted unit gets +2 Health.
When Expurgator comes into play, any enchantments on its row are destroyed.
* Dominion: While Pack Fowl is in play, Wild is increased by 2.
Mire Alliance - echo precon