CREATURE: Beast,Wolf
* Haste
Target unit's Countdown is decreased by 1.
CREATURE: Automaton
Copper Automaton is destroyed after attacking.
Draw 1 structure scroll.
* Poisonous
CREATURE: Human,Knight
Each time Aging Knight attacks, its [base Countdown] is increased by 1.
SPELL: Destruction
Deal 1 [magic damage] to target unit. Draw 1 scroll.
Target creature's Countdown is decreased by 1. Its [Move] is increased by 1 until end of turn.
CREATURE: Human,Soldier
* Spiky 2
* Dominion: Spiky increased by 2.
SPELL: Lingering
* Linger: 5
* Dominion: Units you control have +1 Attack
Other [Dominion] traits are active.
* Dominion: Draw 1 Soldier scroll.
Draw 1 Knight scroll.
* Spiky 3
When Righteous Partisan comes into play, if you have no more units than your opponent, draw 1 scroll.
* Dominion: While Pack Fowl is in play, Wild is increased by 2.
As long as you have no more units than your opponent, Gallant Defender has [Armor] 2.
Draw 1 Growth, 1 Decay and 1 Energy creature. Increase [current] Wild by 1.
* Unique
* Resonance: Adjacent units have their Countdown decreased by 1.
* Relentless
* Dominion: +3 Attack. [Base Countdown] is decreased by 1.
Draw 2 scrolls. Your idols are [healed] by 1. Increase Order by 1.
* Dominion: [Ward]
At the end of your turn, if an opponent unit was destroyed in combat, draw 1 scroll.