Godhand Geddon

10 years by Vorpal_Smilodon, for scrolls version: 0.121.0, with a Score of 0
Deck as image (WIP)
6 17 3 9 9 0 3 3 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Ragged Wolf x3
1 Scavenger Construct x3
2 Frost Gale x3
2 Animovore x3
2 Languid x2
2 Sister of the Fox x3
2 Untainted x3
2 Loyal Darkling x3
3 Return To Nature x3
4 Fertile Soil x3
4 Damning Curse x3
4 Rat King x3
5 Quake x3
5 Kinfolk Veteran x3
5 Oblivion Seeker x3
7 Necrogeddon x3
8 God Hand x3

Get a construct up in the middle row, keep that thing alive and just spam removal and creatures until you can start going god hand or necrogeddon every turn.

30% Creatures (15) 6% Structures (3) 48% Spells (24) 16% Enchantments (8)
54% Growth (27) 46% Decay (23)