Bad deck

10 years by fdagpigj, for scrolls version: 0.124.0, with a Score of 3
Deck as image (WIP)
27 10 12 0 0 0 0 1 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Gravelock Raider x3
1 Infected Gravelock x3
1 Bitter Root x3
1 Mangy Rat x3
1 Arthritis x3
1 Shroud of Unlife x3
1 Eclipse x3
1 Ash Runner x3
1 Husk x3
2 Energy Siphon x3
2 Fungify x3
2 Piercing Projectile x1
2 Blade Husk x3
3 Puppet Soldier x3
3 Morbid Curiosity x3
3 Festering Freak x3
3 Baleful Witch x3
8 Top Reaver Thea x1

You don't want to play it.


    Edit: Whoops, I forgot this deckbuilder allows you to add in scrolls from the test server. Replaced those scrolls (Revenant -> Blade Husk).

    50% Creatures (25) 12% Structures (6) 6% Spells (3) 32% Enchantments (16)
    16% Energy (8) 84% Decay (42)