tempo lord v2

9 years by cashflo, for scrolls version: 0.133.0, with a Score of 4
Deck as image (WIP)
9 17 12 9 3 0 0 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Blessing of Haste x3
1 Focus x3
1 Aging Knight x3
2 Flip x3
2 Pother x2
2 Roasted Bean Potion x3
2 Effigy of the Queen x3
2 Squire x3
2 Ducal Infantryman x3
3 Decimation x3
3 Royal Skirmisher x3
3 Righteous Partisan x3
3 Wings Shield x3
4 Gallant Defender x3
4 Reloras, Lord Knight x3
4 Ducal Skirmisher x3
5 Royal Vanguard x3

    • Has donated to Scrolldier.com

I would like to help you, but i'm an awful tutor to be honest.

The best thing you can do is watching youtube videos of good players like blinky or nrptheninja or check out this site: http://academy.scrollsguide.com/ (might be a little outdated)


    Hello there, where can i find a guide to how be good at this game ? can't beat a hard bot with that deck ...

    60% Creatures (30) 6% Structures (3) 34% Spells (17)
    100% Order (50)