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Trophies / Badges

    • Scrolldier Alpha user
    • Moderator in-game

Decks by Sysp

Score Name Type
4 Aggro Automatons Echoes Energy
1 Dominion Decay
1 Broodmother
1 GO Border Treaty
10 Reason Growth
6 EO Oculus Superstar
10 Orchard Growth
5 Energy Midrange
5 EO State Aggro
5 Orchard Undead
5 Temporary Energy
0 Way of the Tempo Knight
0 GD Midrange
0 EO Ramp
0 Aggro Growth
0 Debuff Decay Flesh
4 GD Somata Control
3 Gravelobbers
3 Debuff Undead Decay
0 EG Somata Rumblecannon
0 Noaidi Tempo Growth
0 Skull Power Gravelocks
0 Aggro Spirit Growth
0 Snargl Energy
0 Aggro Energy
0 GD Control
6 Debuff Decay
5 Energy Structures Redux