Somata to Battle

9 years by alvarpq, for scrolls version: 1.2.1, with a Score of 1
Deck as image (WIP)
5 10 13 11 7 0 2 2 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Eye of Eagle x2
1 Erode x3
2 Frost Gale x3
2 Languid x2
2 Unforeseen Onslaught x2
2 Nog Nest x3
3 Return To Nature x3
3 Soul Steal x3
3 Rattle Hymn x2
3 Somata Shift x3
3 Eager to Battle x2
4 Fertile Soil x1
4 Damning Curse x2
4 Ilmire Hunter x3
4 Rat King x3
4 Rekindled Spirit x2
5 Quake x2
5 Oblivion Seeker x3
5 Verdant Remnant x2
7 Necrogeddon x2
8 God Hand x2

This is a DG somata deck for the test server based off of ETB, hence the slayer vestige. Unforseen Onslaught + Rat King is another fun idea this deck has.


 It's an evil deck though.

12% Creatures (6) 10% Structures (5) 74% Spells (37) 4% Enchantments (2)
56% Growth (28) 44% Decay (22)