Giga Pudding

9 years by futboleddy, for scrolls version: 1.3.1, with a Score of 1
Deck as image (WIP)
9 6 20 9 0 0 3 3 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Ragged Wolf x3
1 Vaettr of the Wild x3
1 Beast Rat x3
2 Sister of the Fox x3
2 Fjords of Vigor x3
3 End of Reason x2
3 Crimson Bull x3
3 Noaidi x3
3 Budding Retreat x3
3 Budding Vaettr x3
3 Eager to Battle x3
3 Keeper's Pledge x3
4 Brother of the Wolf x3
4 Fertile Soil x3
4 Rat King x3
7 Necrogeddon x3
8 God Hand x3



    On a scale of 1 to evil, this deck is off the charts. Please stop :P

    42% Creatures (21) 58% Spells (29)
    4% Energy (2) 90% Growth (45) 6% Decay (3)