Spoilers & news

Snargl Brain

This art may be related to these other Snargl Arts:

Blood Broth?

Source: https://twitter.com/carnalizer/status/450623256715079680


Carnalizer screwing around with the finished art!

Maybe some spoilers here?

Crypt Walker and Northern Ward are nothing new but, can we see 2 new Avatar Sets?

Add a new deck!

Top 5 decks at the moment

1. Late Game Growth

50 11
26 Creatures - 6 Structurs - 18 Spells

2. Structure Energy

50 10
5 Creatures - 21 Structurs - 21 Spells - 3 Enchantments

3. Undead YOLO Decay

50 10
27 Creatures - 3 Structurs - 6 Spells - 14 Enchantments

4. [DO] Control

50 8
21 Creatures - 2 Structurs - 24 Spells - 3 Enchantments

5. Yolo Undead

50 8
34 Creatures - 3 Structurs - 11 Spells - 2 Enchantments